Mission: to preserve the Yezidi faith and empower the Yezidi people all around the world through selfless service.

Mission: to preserve the Yezidi faith and empower the Yezidi people around the world through selfless service

Meeting with the Hindu spiritual leader Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati
At Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ashram
Raising Awareness at JNU in India
Raising Awareness at JNU in India
Raising Awareness with CNN
Talking to media, ABP News, about the Yezidi crisis
passing baby formula to Diplaced Yezidis with the Humanity Group in Iraq
Meeting with Baba Shek, the Yezidi Senior Clergyman In Iraq
Discussing Yezidi Plight with Indian Hindu swami and yog-rishi; Baba Ramdevji
Discussing Yezidi Plight with Indian Hindu swami and yog-rishi; Baba Ramdevji
Accompanying the Hindu Spiritual Leader Sri Sri Ravi Shanker to Iraq
Discussing writing a book on Yezidis with ICCS staff
Visiting Yezidis camps in Khanke Iraq to assess the situation
visiting camps and assessing the conditions
Visiting families living inside unfinished buildings
Memorial Service for those who had passed away
Interview with the New York Times
Discussing the Genocidal Attacks by ISIS In Tel Aviv
Interview with Los Angeles Times
Meeting with Man. Ashok Singhal (VHP Founder)
Meeting Dr Lokesh Chandra, president of Indian Council for Cultural Relations
Meeting with Sri Sri Ravi Shanker in India
Meeting with the Minister of Petrolium and Natural Gas of India Mr. Shri Dharmendra Pradhan
Interview with media station from Columbia
Keynote Speakers at 5th International Conference and Gathering of Elders In India
Raising Awareness through Social Media
Raising Awareness Through Social Media
Raising awareness wearing white
Keynote Speakers at 5th International Conference and Gathering of Elders In India
Keynote Speakers at 5th International Conference and Gathering of Elders
Meeting Governor of Bangalore, India
Meeting with Mohan Bhagwat, the head of the largest Organization in the world RSS
Awaiting a Meeting with Obama Administration National Security
Meeting with Sri Sri Ravi Shanker in Chicago
Raising Awareness with Fox News
Rally to Raise Awareness in Lincoln Nebraska
Rally to Raise Awareness in Lincoln Nebraska
Meeting with Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
Rally to Raise Awareness in Lincoln Nebraska
Talking to Displaced Yezidis in Lalish
Yezidis meeting other ancient cultures
Yezidis meeting other ancient cultures
Meeting with United Nations Representative
Meeting with HSS staff
Second Rally Held in Nebraska
Holding a google hangout with Sri Sri and Yezidi community in Nebraska
Meeting in First Plymouth Church to raise awareness
Meeting with Canada's Minister of National Defense
Meeting with the Yoga teacher in Chicago
Holding a Rally in Washington
Meeting with Seshadri Chari Spokesperson for BJP
Interviewing with CNN-IBN In Delhi
Meeting with Sushma Swaraj, India's Prime Minister of External Affairs.
Assessing the situation of displaced Yezidis in Iraq
Yezidis International (YI)

Yezidis International is a 501 (c) 3 organization headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska that is dedicated to educating the public on who Yezidis are, the crisis they are facing, and implement different projects to preserve the Yezidi faith/culture and at the same time empower the community worldwide through selfless work.

Call to Action: support us on empowering Yezidi students studying in India. Let’s empower a community that is in the process of recovering from a genocide.



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YI Member Interviewed About Yezidi Core Beliefs

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A member of Yezidi International was interviewed about Yezidi beliefs and the ongoing genocide. In the interview she shares ways that the community’s beliefs empowers them and contribute to their tolerance and ability to coexist peacefully with others. She also shares a little on the community’s history that is filled with persecution as a minority group that is indigenous to the Middle East.

YI Journey to Ancestral land. . .

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Journey to Ancestral land. . .Preserving the Yezidi Heritage

On Monday, April 11th, 2018 some of our members met with Pir Khedr Sulyman who is one of the forefront Yezidi scholars. He and couple of his friends were the first Yezidis in Iraq to publish work on the religion and have the Yezidis qewls or hymns commit to writing. Interest in Yezidism which had died away for decades became renewed thanks to their effort.

Pir Khedr accompanied YI members to the Yezidi Cultural Center which he use to preside over years ago. The center had an extensive collection of books, videos, and other media related to Yezidi history, religion, and culture.

Our team asked about the possibility of having part of their collection become available on the net so that more people could have accesses to it. just as bahzani.net has done.

They week before they also had an opportunity to meet with another Yezidi scholar, Dawood Murad Khatari. He too has devoted a better part of his life to serving Yezidis by writing about the culture and religion and helping make sense of it. He has so far written 28 books on Yezidism. Our team collected much information about the Yezidi heritage from these meetings and hope to later have it published and make available to the public.

Meeting with Pir Xider Sulaiman Meeting with Dawood Murad Khatari Lalish Cultural Center Lalish Cultural Center 2 Shingal GenocideLalish Center

Yezidis International’s Journey to ancestral Land

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Yezidis International’s Journey to ancestral Land—Why the Mountains

“In Mountains we trust”
Why Yezidis chose Sinjar mountains as a safe haven in middle of summer.